Stanley Druckenmiller is a legend. Whenever he speaks, I listen.
All good points. Are there seriously people out there who don’t think AI should be regulated at all? The range of outcomes for how AI affects society is wide, and smart regulation helps ensure we end up on the right tail of outcomes.
ISM and PMI economic data are some of the most important tools for measuring the strength and rate of change in global economies. If you are not familiar with them, this post is a great primer for how to use them in your fundamental analysis.
Analysis: China’s messaging machine tamps down Taiwan war hype - Nikkei Asia
I get asked all the time whether I think China will invade Taiwan anytime soon. This article was an interesting data point in that conversation.
Trading is a lot like poker - by Brent Donnelly
R.I.P Doyle Brunson
The range of human perceptual experiences - Clearer Thinking podcast.
How does the world differ from our perception of it? Where is color located? Is the self constructed in the same way our concept of the world is constructed? Aside from being interesting bits of trivia, why does any of that really matter? In what ways does perception most often differ among humans? How different are art and science?Anil Seth is a neuroscientist, author, and public speaker who has pioneered research into the brain basis of consciousness for more than twenty years.
Inside the Battle for Chips that will power artificial intelligence - Odd Lots podcast.